Healer, Teacher, Mentor and Channel For the Divine.
A life-long devotion to the study and discipline of “energy medicine” has afforded Janice Amaraya the opportunity of honing her skills and opening fully to her spiritual gifts. As the gifts flowered, so did her appreciation and acceptance of her “multi-dimensional self” along with the embodiment of Divine Presence.
The degree of consciousness each individual holds within his or her energy field creates either havoc or harmony. Janice Amaraya works with each individual to pierce the veil of illusion and separation thereupon releasing obstacles and blockages; this in turn creates healing and harmony.
The roots of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual restrictions and limitations are identified and eradicated. A sensation of expanded consciousness ensues; greater clarity and understanding are the byproducts.
With a rare depth of knowledge, heightened intuitive faculties and expanded consciousness Janice Amaraya assists the soul as it journeys toward the remembrance of its true Self – empowered by Light, with Love. Simply stated, Janice Amaraya is that teacher who brings you to the point of full remembrance of your Divinity.
Experience a dynamic journey through the sacred temples of the universe to meet and integrate your enlightened, divine and sovereign consciousness. Together we will birth these streams to integrate and manifest in your life, creating your heaven on earth.