
You are the Center of New World Consciousness!

Each one of us is a divine being of love, wisdom and creation. This is our highest truth and our core essence. The magnitude and magnificence of that truth may get “muddled” as we try to navigate our way through the current world of duality and separation, giving us the perception of ourselves solely as our personality and our ego.

Our ability to create a “new world” begins with our embracing our divine presence and the enlightened awareness that comes with that knowing. This knowing comes through opening the pathways to your higher consciousness and embodying the enlightened or new world consciousness that lives within you. In this way you will manifest the higher purpose of your journey here on earth; birthing all of your spiritual gifts that may currently lay dormant within that higher consciousness.

Birthing these gifts, brings you into an holistic state of peace and harmony as you experience a joy-filled, purpose driven life and meet your full potential.

Healing Services

Each personal session includes spiritual mentoring to bring the higher truth and deeper meaning to all that is occurring in your life. This aligns you with that which your soul and higher consciousness have manifested for your growth and learning.  

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Complimentary Meditations

Janice Amaraya offers free meditations and audio downloads of meditative journeys. This is a great way to align or realign to your inner self.  

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About Janice Amaraya

A life-long devotion to the study and discipline of “energy medicine” has afforded Janice Amaraya the opportunity of honing her skills and opening fully to her spiritual gifts.

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Complimentary Meditations

Whether you have been meditating for awhile or just starting your practice, Janice Amaraya offers group meditations that will support you in your everyday life.


As you participate in these journeys, you will accelerate your own path as your awareness expands to see and create the new world consciousness of love, peace, joy, grace and freedom.

— Janice Amaraya